How to log in the Facebook account of a'' friend'' without knowing the password
Letto: 36778 volte
lunedì 10 marzo 2014
Letto: 36778 volte
di Marco Montrone
Actually, there is a simple and very quick method to log in to the Facebook account of our acquaintances. It is true. We are going to talk about it. Please note: our purpose is not to encourage the use of an improper practice, to say the least, but to stress that the Facebook team should finally invest in the privacy protection of each member of the social network. It would be the time.Notizia di proprietà della testata giornalistica © Barinedita (vietata la riproduzione)
So, let’s imagine that we want to log in the account of Giulio Whoknows. Clearly we could not, because we do not know the password. But... Let's go to the Facebook homepage. At the top right we will see a notice: "forgot password?”. Let’s click on it. This opens a screen where the social network asks us to identify our account. Nothing could be easier: we can write Giulio’s email or phone number (if we know them), enter the name of a couple of his friends or simply write his "username" (just copy and paste the URL of his Facebook account). We choose the second way and write di proprietà della testata giornalistica © Barinedita (vietata la riproduzione)
Well.Notizia di proprietà della testata giornalistica © Barinedita (vietata la riproduzione)
At that point the social network gives us the possibility to reset the password. It says it will send us a message on our email address. However we can’t get in to Giulio’s inbox. And it is now that there is the trick.Notizia di proprietà della testata giornalistica © Barinedita (vietata la riproduzione)
Facebook should not provide any other ploy to log in the account. It should say: "You have forgotten your Facebook password, do not even remember your email password… So, please, forget it and cure your memory". Instead, Facebook always gives another chance rather than losing one of its users. And, if you do not even "remember" your email password, it says: "please enter another email address". And we clearly insert a brand new address for the occasion: di proprietà della testata giornalistica © Barinedita (vietata la riproduzione)
Here the Facebook privacy protection should enter the scene. It is funny just to write it. Facebook says: "the only way to prove that it is your own account is that you demonstrate your friends know you. Here's what you need to do": 1) Pick 3 trusted friends, 2) Call your friends to have the security codes; 3 ) Retrieve your account.Notizia di proprietà della testata giornalistica © Barinedita (vietata la riproduzione)
We choose our 3 crooked friends (who must be clearly friends of the poor unfortunate Giulio too) and then Facebook send them via email some "security codes". We call our 3 friends, they give us the 3 codes, we insert them and, after 24 hours, we can easily log in Giulio Whoknows’s account, with a new email and a new password.Notizia di proprietà della testata giornalistica © Barinedita (vietata la riproduzione)
It is a downright scam, but be sure that a betrayed wife does not give up. Be careful, you could be the next victims.Notizia di proprietà della testata giornalistica © Barinedita (vietata la riproduzione)
Here you will find the article in Italian: /inchieste/n240-ecco-come-entrare-nel-profilo-facebook-di-un---amico---senza-conoscerne-la-password
I commenti
- francesco - mi piace
- Sergio - Comeva